A spiritual book for chakra balancing and meditation

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About the Book

This presentation is about the spiritual aspects of one’s being and not simply about Health, fitness or dieting as it is commonly understood. (The first version of this book was published in 2008 unveiled by Dr. Pranav Pandya Ji, Chancellor of Dev Sanskruti Vishvavidyalaya Haridwar)

Man is known through his physical body, but the human in him exists as an emotional & spiritual being. Every human is bestowed with capabilities that go unrealized. To realize the self and the inner potential, one needs to venture into spirituality. He has to look within for the answers instead of roaming around to fit in those jigsaw puzzles of life and its truth. ‘Wholesome Health – A Journey from Pain to Liberation is one such book that will help to guide the seeker in right direction on how one can venture onto the spiritual path.

Humans go through plenty of health challenges in their entire life at all levels: physical, mental and spiritual. Most modern forms of medicines, though heavily derived from science, tend to address only the bodily symptoms. In this process, deep rooted emotional and spiritual causes of illness remain neglected. As a consequence, the solutions are not tangible even to attain a minimum of good health. So, the scope of Positive-Health and the Wholesome-Being is left far away!

The author takes this as an opportunity to make one understand the difference between Good health, Positive health and Wholesome Health. And this book is just about that. The underlying message is that the expressions of physical ill health at any point in Life may be used as the medium to progress on a spiritual path.

The Author, doctor by profession is a lady of strong determination and self-commitment. At one point of time, she was suffering from acute lumber-back-pain with sciatica in mid-nineties (95-99). It was so severe that it churned her life upside-down! Despite being medical doctor she is more inclined towards Yoga and Naturopathy. She decided to go for these alternative remedies against the surgical advice. Her first day experience of deep relaxation technique rolled her on the path of natural healing. Then onwards she was not only healed physically, but also explored the other higher dimensions of being.

Thus, the book is not simply a presentation of literal topics, but is a reflection of the author's lifetime experiences and realisations. She has worked with the core premise that - 'No one is born here to remain sick and unhappy. If I can overcome my health crisis this way, why can't others do the same?'

The essence of the author’s experiences in spirituality are beautifully conveyed to readers. The contents of the book revolve round the body, mind and emotions. The section of ‘Health at a Glance’ speaks about the various dimensions of health with special reference to Wholesome Health. Lessons on Spiritual Empowerment is there to strengthen faith among the readers that spirituality is easy to understand and worth practicing lead a better Life amidst all stresses. The section of ‘Spiritual Link of Mankind’ is the bake-bone of this presentation. It takes one on the journey from body to Soul, and from Soul to the Supreme. The glimpses on the Social aspects refer to the reformation of society through spiritual awareness. Thus, the three-dimensional coverage of the ‘Body, Mind and Soul’ makes this book a unique combination of Science, Philosophy and Spirituality.

Reading this book will change your perspective on health forever, and take you towards a blissful life. Everyone deserves peace of mind, happiness, and a wholesome health. And this book is just about helping people attain them. Grab your copy today.


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